Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Hello world!

Posted: 2010/05/22 in Uncategorized

It has been awhile since I blogged… at least a couple of years. And this is a new place for me to “park” my thoughts. Not that I am a great hockey fan… as a matter of fact I don’t understand the game at all. However, strangely one thing about the game is where I draw parallel with my life. You see, just as the game of hockey is played out in 3 periods (as opposed to 2 halves in all other major team sports) I personally see life, well adulthood as 3 segments as well.

In 6 weeks I will end my employment with my current company. This is after 11 years of service with them and 22 years total spent in the manufacturing sector. I have been in Quality Assurance, Engineering, Operations, and Sales/Marketing. I have made parts for automobiles, for airplanes, for petrochemical plants, and even medical equipment and devices. I have worked (including temporary assignment) in places like Elkhart, Lafayette, and Huntington (all in Indiana), Matamoros, Juarez, and Mexicali (Mexico), Xiamen (China), Southport and Glasgow (UK), Galway (Ireland), and Regansburg (Germany). In each situation the Lord has blessed me with great jobs, great people, and great bosses. Not bad, capping off the end of my first period.

The second period of my life will start on July 3rd this year. Where will I work? What will I do? Who will I work with? “I don’t know,” is my response. However, in the past 6 months I have felt that it is time for a career change. Many may refer to this as the “second half” of their career. I have felt the Lord calling me into something new and uncharted (for me from an education and experience perspective). In the process of the last 7 years I believe He has been shaping me for this “I don’t know” career. Whatever it may be, it will be focused less on the “job” and “career path,” and more on kingdom building… His kingdom building. Needless to say, I am excited (but also a bit apprehensive of the unknown) for the Second Period.

Oh, what about the Third Period,” you might ask. Well, I’ll bog about that once I reach my retirement age. 😉

In the meantime, I will be posting some of my old rehashed old blogs.