
Posted: 2011/01/08 in Uncategorized

I recently came across a story of Austin, TX motorists being warned of potential zombies ahead by a portable road sign. Not surprising the sign was hacked by pranksters, likely students from University of Texas in Austin, suspects the Texas Department of Transportation. What intrigued me the most from this story was that, “According to the blog, some commercial road signs can be easily altered because their instrument panels are frequently left unlocked and their default passwords are not changed. Programming is as simple as type whatever you want to display.

This got me thinking: what if the sign was altered by someone who intended for evil instead of a prank? Warning of zombies caused quite a stir and a few laughs but no one took it seriously. But what if the sign was altered to cause a traffic detour into an area where carjackers await? In this case, something that was designed to warn you of danger such asBeware of Alligators,” becomes something that may potentially endanger you.
In these few days into 2011, I have been thinking about signs, those warning signs we come across in life which keep us on the straight and narrow path, directing us to our destination. The Apostle Peter warned Christians in his first general letter, “Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour (1 Peter 5:8).” He was cautioning and encouraging believers to be on the alert, paying attention to the signs of danger because there is someone who is interested in destroying you. I have made the following observations so I can apply it in my daily living… and I would like to share it with you.
  1. Pay Attention to the Signs – Please be on guard and intentionally look for dangers. This does not mean be paranoid about everything, but rather be sensitive to the Holy Spirit. Even in the age of GPS that is accurate within 10 feet of your location, road signs are still necessary. These signs give us a wealth of information when we travel, from rest stops to restaurants to gas stations. I remember seeing a sign while driving from the Midwest to California that warned us the distance until the next gas station was over 150 miles. Even though I had enough fuel to go beyond the posted distance, nevertheless I topped off the tank before I entered the desert. In addition I kept my eyes on the temperature gauge (which is also a “sign”) just to be careful. I had just watched Chevy Chase’s Vacation and I didn’t want to fly off the road into the sand as he did!
  2. Seek the Truth in the Signs – Just as a prankster or a hacker can alter the sign when it was left unprotected, please be on guard and use your discernment regarding the signs in life. What this means is that you have to know the source of the warning… is it from God or it is based on emotions such as fear, jealousy, disappointment, resentment, or frustration, or even from the ENEMY? You have to know WHO wrote the text of these signs before you heed the warning. If the WHO is trustworthy, then follow them as if your own life depends on them because it does. Sometimes it is easy (easier?) to discern like the zombies warning. However, there are other signs that are a bit more difficult, especially when they appeal to the emotions and feelings within. God is ready to help you with wisdom and discernment (James 1:5).
  3. Trust the Message – One thing about warning signs is that they give a warning of what is coming up ahead so there is plenty of time to make preparations, corrections, and adjustments. What that also means is that there might be a period after seeing these signs everything will appear to be normal. STAY on guard!! If you trust the AUTHOR then trust the Message regardless of your feelings or circumstances (James 1:6-8)!
  4. Watch for Traps – Conversely, if the signs wants you to make an impulsive decision right now that is appealing to the eyes or pride, then be suspicious. It is most likely a trap. Recently on our way home from our Thanksgiving trip to NC we came across a sign in GA that advertised their pecans are the world’s best. Well, of course I want some of the world’s best. Also Christmas is coming up, our friends deserve the world’s best pecans too! When we pulled into the store parking lot, it was the only building at the exit… scam warning alarm immediately went off. The cost of gas at the station attached to the store was at least 12¢ more than the exits before it. Besides, when I started to think logically, just exactly what are the qualifications of those people who declared these pecans world’s best? Our ENEMY has a trap set for us. While he cannot read our thoughts, he is a keen observer of human nature and student of our behaviors. Be assured that he is out there stalking you. God warned Cain right before he murdered his brother, “sin is crouching at the door; and its desire is for you, but you must master it (Genesis 4:7).”
  5. Be Accountable – Sometimes we find ourselves crossing the line, into the danger zone. When you do, stop immediately and don’t give up (James 1:14-16). Back to Chevy Chase’s Vacation movie, if you will recall that they missed the “Road Closed” sign in the midst of looking at the map and ended up flying off the deadend road in the desert and the ensuing disaster. For those who are married, this is not the time for blame or argument, or even dredge up old wounds; but rather it is a time to stick together, keep the channel of communications open, and work together to seek help. If you are single, find someone you can trust so you can walk together. Just remember, nothing good ever came about in horror movies when people split up. They become victims! Don’t become a victim. There is strength in number… but know that it will get rough before it gets better.
  6. Forgive and Repent – The second thing you must do when you do cross that line is to seek forgiveness and repent. The first and foremost person is God. David wrote after his adultery with Bathsheba became public, “Against You, You only, I have sinned and done what is evil in Your sight, So that You are justified when You speak and blameless when You judge (Psalm 51:4).” Next seek the forgiveness of that person you betrayed a trust or offended. Last but not least, forgive yourself. This is easier said than done but we can find rest in the words of Apostle John, “in whatever our heart condemns us; for God is greater than our heart and knows all things (1 John 3:20).” Of course forgiveness and repentance go hand-in-hand. You cannot have just the one without the other.
We are indeed living in treacherous times and there are traps all around us. Heed the caution from Peter, “Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.” Your alertness in the spiritual realm will help you to navigate through the troubled waters so that this time next year you can say 2011 was the most rewarding endeavor yet! Bon Voyage!
Happy New Year!
  1. Great post G! I love that verse in Genesis “sin is crouching at the door; and its desire is for you, but you must ‘master’ it (Genesis 4:7).”
    All sin enters through a lazy cracked open door. s. l. o. w. l. y. it happens so you don’t notice those warning signs anymore.

    Think of athletes, musicians….if they are weak in an area, they make it strong/master their body, their fingers to get the weakness out.

    love this analogy.

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